Laws, regulations or other requirements of foreign countries and specifications of contracts for the purchase and sale of animal products, on occasion require vendors of such products to furnish official certificates concerning the class, quality, quantity, or condition of such products to be imported into such countries or to be delivered under the contracts. The service under this part, shall consist of the inspection of the processing, handling, and storage of the products at any plant at which service is furnished and the certification, on the basis of such requirements of foreign countries or such contract specifications, of the class, quality, quantity, or condition of such of the products as are found to conform to such requirements or specifications as the case may be. Processing procedures will be actually supervised. The operator of the plant shall fully inform the inspector with respect to, and the inspector shall actually observe, the processing procedures, handling, and storage of the products intended for certification. The inspector shall keep such records of the temperatures reached, the duration of time the temperatures are maintained, and the pounds of pressure under which the products are cooked in the course of processing, and such other information, as are needed to justify the issuance of the certificates required. [23 FR 10111, Dec. 23, 1958, as amended at 62 FR 19040, Apr. 18, 1997]