(a) Schedules of rate changes for stockyard services. Each stockyard owner and market agency operating at a posted stockyard shall file with the regional supervisor for the region in which they operate a signed copy of all schedules of rates and charges, supplements and amendments thereto. The schedules, supplements and amendments must be conspicuously posted for public inspection at the stockyard, and filed with the regional supervisor, at least 10 days before their effective dates, except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. Each schedule, supplement and amendment shall set forth its effective date, a description of the stockyard services rendered, the stockyard at which it applies, the name and address of the stockyard owner or market agency, the kind of livestock covered by it, and any rules or regulations which affect any rate or charge contained therein. Each schedule of rates and charges filed shall be designated by successive numbers. Each supplement and amendment to such schedule shall be numbered and shall designate the number of the schedule which it supplements or amends.
(b) Feed charges. When the schedule in effect provides for feed charges to be based on an average cost plus a specified margin, the 10-day filing and notice provision contained in section 306(c) of the Act is waived. A schedule of the current feed charges based on average feed cost and showing the effective date shall be conspicuously posted at the stockyard at all times. Changes in feed charges may become effective 2 days after the change is posted at the stockyard.
(c) Professional veterinary services. The 10-day filing and notice provision contained in section 306(a) of the Act is waived for a schedule of charges for professional veterinary services. A schedule of charges for professional veterinary services rendered by a veterinarian at a posted stockyard shall be conspicuously posted at the stockyard at all times. The schedule of charges and any supplement or amendment thereto may become effective 2 days after the schedule, supplement, or amendment is posted at the stockyard.
(d) Joint schedules. If the same schedule is to be observed by more than one market agency operating at any one stockyard, one schedule will suffice for such market agencies. The names and business addresses of those market agencies adhering to such schedule must appear on the schedule. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0580-0015) (7 U.S.C. 203, 204, 207, 217a, 222 and 228) [49 FR 33003, Aug. 20, 1984, as amended at 68 FR 75388, Dec. 31, 2003]
General Bonding Provisions