(a) Personnel facilities, including toilets, lavatories, lockers, and dressing rooms shall be adequate and meet State and local requirements for food processing plants.
(b) Toilets and dressing rooms shall be kept clean and adequately ventilated to eliminate odors and kept adequately supplied with soap, towels, and tissues. Toilet rooms shall be ventilated to the outside of the building.
(c) No person affected with any communicable disease in a transmissible stage or a carrier of such disease, or with boils, sores, infected wounds, or wearing cloth bandages on hands shall be permitted to come in contact with eggs in any form or with equipment used to process such eggs.
(d) Workers coming into contact with liquid or dried eggs, containers, or equipment shall wear clean outer uniforms.
(e) Plant personnel handling exposed edible product shall wash their hands before beginning work, and upon returning to work after leaving the work room.
(f) Expectorating, or other unsanitary practices, shall not be permitted.
(g) Use of tobacco in any form or the wearing of jewelry, nail polish, or perfumes shall not be permitted in any area where edible products are exposed.
(h) Hair nets or caps shall be properly worn by all persons in breaking and packaging rooms.