This section applies to regions that are designated under this subchapter as free of a specific animal disease and then experience an outbreak of that disease.
(a) Interim designation. If a region recognized as free of a specified animal disease in this subchapter experiences an outbreak of that disease, APHIS will take immediate action to prohibit or restrict imports of animals and animal products from that region. The prohibitions or restrictions may be imposed on only a portion of the region previously recognized as free of a disease. In these cases, APHIS will inform the public as soon as possible through notice in the Federal Register of the basis for its decision to prohibit or restrict imports from the smaller area of that region previously recognized as free.
(b) Reassessment of the disease situation. (1) Following removal of disease-free status from all or part of a region, APHIS may reassess the disease situation in that region to determine whether it is necessary to continue the interim prohibitions or restrictions. In reassessing a region's disease status, APHIS will take into consideration the standards of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) for reinstatement of disease-free status, as well as all relevant information obtained through public comments or collected by or submitted to APHIS through other means.
(1) Following removal of disease-free status from all or part of a region, APHIS may reassess the disease situation in that region to determine whether it is necessary to continue the interim prohibitions or restrictions. In reassessing a region's disease status, APHIS will take into consideration the standards of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) for reinstatement of disease-free status, as well as all relevant information obtained through public comments or collected by or submitted to APHIS through other means.
(2) Prior to taking any action to relieve prohibitions or restrictions, APHIS will make information regarding its reassessment of the region's disease status available to the public for comment. APHIS will announce the availability of this information in the Federal Register.
(c) Determination. Based on the reassessment conducted in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, including comments regarding the reassessment information, APHIS will take one of the following actions:
(1) Publish a notice of its decision to reinstate the disease-free status of the region, or a portion of the region;
(2) Publish a notice of its decision to continue the prohibitions or restrictions on the imports of animals and animal products from that region; or
(3) Publish another document in the Federal Register for comment. [77 FR 1389, Jan. 10, 2012] Subpart B_Procedures for Requesting BSE Risk Status Classification With
Regard to Bovines
Source: 78 FR 72994, Dec. 4, 2013, unless otherwise noted.