(a) For purposes other than immediate slaughter. Swine offered for importation from Canada for purposes other than immediate slaughter shall be accompanied by a certificate issued or endorsed by a salaried veterinarian of the Canadian Government showing that said swine have been inspected on the premises of origin immediately before the date of movement therefrom and found to be free of evidence of communicable disease and that, as far as it has been possible to determine, they were not exposed to any such disease during the preceding 60 days; in addition, the certificate shall show that no classical swine fever or swine plague has existed on the premises of origin or on adjoining premises for such 60 days.
(b) For immediate slaughter. Swine for immediate slaughter may be imported from Canada without certification as prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section but shall be subject to the provisions of Sec. Sec. 93.507, 93.516, and 93.518. [55 FR 34195, Aug. 2, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 56012, 56020, Oct. 28, 1997; 68 FR 16938, Apr. 7, 2003]