Articles that are otherwise prohibited importation into the United States in accordance with Sec. Sec. 95.4 through 95.14 may transit air and ocean ports in the United States for immediate export if the conditions of paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section are met. Articles are eligible to transit the United States by overland transportation if the requirements of paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section are met.
(a) The articles must be sealed in leakproof containers bearing serial numbers during transit. Each container must remain sealed during the entire time that it is in the United States.
(b) Before such transit, the person moving the articles must notify, in writing, the inspector at both the place in the United States where the articles will arrive and the port of export. The notification must include the:
(1) Times and dates of arrival in the United States;
(2) Times and dates of exportation from the United States; and
(3) Serial numbers of the sealed containers.
(c) The articles must transit the United States under Customs bond.
(d) The person moving the articles must obtain a United States Veterinary Permit for Importation and Transportation of Controlled Materials and Organisms and Vectors. To apply for a permit, file a permit application on VS Form 16-3 (available from APHIS, Veterinary Services, National Center for Import and Export, 4700 River Road Unit 38, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231, or electronically at
(e) The commodities must be eligible to enter the United States in accordance with Sec. Sec. 95.4 through 95.14 and must be accompanied by the certification required by that section. Additionally, the following conditions must be met:
(1) The shipment must be exported from the United States within 7 days of its entry;
(2) The commodities may not be transloaded while in the United States, except for direct transloading under the supervision of an authorized inspector, who must break the seals of the national government of the exporting region on the means of conveyance that carried the commodities into the United States and seal the means of conveyance that will carry the commodities out of the United States with seals of the U.S. Government; and
(3) A copy of the import permit required under paragraph (d) of this section must be presented to the inspector at the port of arrival and the port of export in the United States. [78 FR 73003, Dec. 4, 2013]