For the purpose of facilitating the distribution in commerce of inspected poultry products to small lot buyers (such as small restaurants), distributors or jobbers may remove inspected and passed non-consumer-packaged poultry carcasses or consumer-packaged poultry products from shipping containers or immediate containers, other than consumer packages, and place them into other containers which do not bear an official inspection mark: Provided, That the individual non-consumer-packaged carcasses bear the official inspection legend and the official establishment number of the establishment that processed the articles; and the consumer-packaged articles are fully labeled in accordance with subpart N: And provided further, That the other container is marked with the name and address of the distributor or jobber and bears the statement ``The poultry product contained herein was inspected by the U.S.D.A.'' in the case of poultry products processed in the United States, or the statement ``The poultry products contained herein have been approved for importation under P.P.I.A.'' in the case of imported poultry products.